natural loofah sponge new zealand

Natural loofah/luffa sponge - a plastic-free alternative to traditional plastic bath poufs

Sep 9, 2020 · Article · Blog

If you are looking for a plastic-free alternative to traditional plastic bath poufs, a natural loofah or luffa sponge may just be the answer. 

Good for the planet

It is made from luffa plant. These plants can be re-grown, making them especially sustainable. The best part is that they can be fully composted when you are done using them. 

Caring for Your Loofah or Luffa

Dermatology experts recommend that loofahs and poufs be discarded after 2-3 months. If you notice a sell, mold growth, or change in color before that time frame, then throw it in your compost pile.

Here are some tips to keep your natural loofah sponge clean and lasting as long as possible:

Rinse thoroughly with soap and water after each use. Let it dry completely, but not in your warm, moist, humid bathroom, especially in New Zealand. Do not store in an enclosed area like a drawer. The natural loofah sponge needs to air out to dry properly.

If not cleaned and cared for properly, you can end up with a rash or even a staph infection.

Where to find them

Now you can find them at A Good Store in Auckland. 3 pieces for only $10. As always, good products, good price and good for the planet.

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